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touch the sun melted wings
silly old bird raucous
impatient mismatched feathers 
painted in the key of absurd
indecent indecorous inconvenient
book of shadows written in
upside down backwards
improvisational integrative
caution to the wind
hard head head first
cats's-paw backflip
land on feet 





*monster mask measured.jpg


ashes appear dead to mortal eyes
melted ice piss steam
or so you think
and fall asleep beneath 
a dizzy making sparkled blackness
breezes like laughter of naughty spirits
catalyze oxidative chain reactions
energy exchange split log crackles
voices haunt dreams evoking 
covens dancing illicit music 
sparks jump borders 
abundant tinder
exquisite devastation
laboratory of the mother


*gorilla costume hindu woman.jpg

Susie picking at scabs...


knots bruises ligature marks
all about my neck and chest
strangled from the inside-out
what myths have done
to rend psychic flesh
compares not to
cleverly employed self-evisceration
smarter and meaner there
is no worthy adversary
save for the selves
and we are merciless


*prosthetic mudhra back of hand.jpg


i am always 

two in one my own

evil twin the mirror

unto myself

near sighted study close

pick my brain for land mines

mapped and marked with colored pins

the chilling fears and astringent puckers

slick liars leave behind

half of me lives that clouded vision

half of me observes in horror

half of me calm holds a scalpel precisely

removing the hard-crusted lumps of 

poisoned saplings one at a time

pardon me as i flit by

shedding sparkles and

spring morning birdsong

all minds of me know the secret

i am free


seductive boots hip waders
leather crop cage
monkey in the middle
heart drips rainbow 
sparkles butterflies in
pulsating 3/3 time 
gyroscopic skirt fantasy
marble columns
cliff dwelling 
spider webs
like boulders that move themselves
weave-singing a story
older than people

*toltec doll.jpg
*flayed head green abstract BEST EVER .j


twisted perfection
almost unadulterated
slightly disheveled
doll that sews
her parts back on she
feels the seethe and
the suppurate

the intent behind the mask
asking nothing
expecting nothing
only loving


*eye hindu elephant .jpg
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